CENTENNIAL UPDATE: In November, Unser Karting Centennial will be open weekends only for rental racing. Test and Tune is available 7 days a week.

PLEASE NOTE: Weekends at Denver are JUNIOR ONLY racing from 9am-11am. ADULT ONLY racing from 11am-Close.

All weekday Junior Certs are now at 12PM & 5PM. For more info please call (720) 282-5000

Please visit our Calendar for closures and other important notices.

CENTENNIAL UPDATE: In November, Unser Karting Centennial will be open weekends only for rental racing. Test and Tune is available 7 days a week.

PLEASE NOTE: Weekends at Denver are JUNIOR ONLY racing from 9am-11am. ADULT ONLY racing from 11am-Close.

All weekday Junior Certs are now at 12PM & 5PM. For more info please call (720) 282-5000

Please visit our Calendar for closures and other important notices.

Junior Karting changes - get the details here!

Posted by Jaime Palmucci
on Apr 25, 2016 10:40:00 AM

There are so many new and exciting things coming down the pike from us here at Unser, and one of those is an update to Junior Karting. We've had the same program for about 3 years, and it was time to upgrade the program to ensure our customers are getting the best experience possible.



Junior training will be available on the following days:

Tuesday/Thursday: 6pm
Saturday/Sunday: 9am

We recommend early arrival on Tu/Th and prompt arrival on the weekends, as these sessions do fill up fast.


Return customers can race anytime, Monday through Friday. We've also opened early on Saturday and Sunday to dedicate our first two hours of the day exclusively for juniors. Come in anytime from 9am to 11am for junior racing - avoid the wait and enjoy junior-specific racing! Junior Racing (retail, not events) will not be available after 11am on Saturdays or Sundays.


Prices have been changed to make it easier - and provide better value for our customers.

- Includes training, license, headsock and two full races after certification

RETAIL PRICE: $15 every race, Mon-Tue and Thurs-Sun
Special race pricing on Wedneday - $12/race, all day!

We'll begin rolling this new offer out starting today, April 25th, so come in and have fun!

Worried about track time, or looking for a dedicated event experience? Contact our Social Event team by filling out our booking form today.

Have more questions? Ask us on Facebook or call our main line at (720) 282-5000.

Topics: event, 2016, juniors, training

Written by Jaime Palmucci

Jaime is our Marketing Director here at Unser Karting and Events based in Denver. She's part of the team who makes sure your experience is great even before you walk in the door! Keep up with what we're doing via social.

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